Main Gallery
16 June – 28 July 2018
Yesterday’s Favourite honours the two decades of making that have made Pru Morrison one of our community’s most skilled studio potters. With strong technical ability and her trademark wit, Pru comments on Australian politics, history and familiar national identities. Her shrewd observations are balanced with humour, as well as an innate empathy for society’s most marginalised people.
Caricatures of our most recognisable politicians and the divisive events they have governed are interspersed with Pru’s personal musings on race, sexuality and gender stereotypes. Treating her clay surfaces as canvasses to tell these stories, her work is instantly recognisable - full of words, colour and Pru’s impeccable ceramic casts of amusing faces and limbs.
Image: Pru Morrison, Donkey Pollies (detail), 2007-13, underglaze, terra sigillata and slip casting.