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Maren Götzmann

Brisbane, Queensland & Berlin, Germany

Maren Götzmann (born Hamburg, Germany) is a Brisbane and Berlin based artist working across the media of drawing, printmaking, artist books and textiles. Her practice explores 
concepts surrounding questions of dis/placement, migration and the positioning of humans within the world.

Throughout her career, Götzmann has focused on using collaborative processes as a deliberate tool to critique an increasingly market-driven interest in authorship, pre-occupied with individual success and commercial value. She worked with artist groups such as Intertexture and Nitty Gritty Design and is presently a member of NightLadder, a Brisbane art collective.

In recent years, Götzmann has developed a range of up-cycled textile art, motivated by her love of natural materials (linen, silk, cotton) and her commitment to re-use, re-invent and up-cycle. The artist regularly offers a range of textile workshops in Brisbane.

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