Main Gallery and Small Object Space
17 April 2021 – 22 May 2021
There is a common misconception that the purpose of highly crafted work is to primarily demonstrate technique or skill. Craft based practices may be less likely deemed as conceptual.
Reflective material requires a spatial engagement; as you move, so does the reflection. The nature of highly polished, reflective material is to blur the division between object and self. The viewer is invited in, to see themselves as equally reflected and contained within the object. The reflected image is never fixed and rarely accurate.
The work of these selected artists employs reflective material conceptually. Each of these highly crafted works conveys the precarious path of misperception and misconception and the potential risk in slippages of interpretation.
Curator: Cassandra Lehman
Artists: James & Eleanor Avery, Dadang Christanto, Simon Degroot, Brian Sanstrom
Medium: Sculpture, Design
Please join us for our opening night event!
Friday April 16th / 6:00PM / Click here to RSVP
Image: Simon Degroot / White and Blue Flat Lay (2017) + Clear Typologies (2020) / courtesy of This Is No Fantasy Gallery